The College of Administration and Economics holds a drawing exhibition


The Student Activities Unit at Administration and Economics College at the University of Samarra held an art exhibition for painting with the participation of a number of its students.
The Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Nazhan Al-Sahw, was inaugurated, accompanied by the assistants and some of its professors.
For his part, the Dean of the College stressed his continuous support for all the students’ talents, praising their keenness in the academic aspect. Fearing that the mission of the College Deanship in supporting will not be limited to the educational element only, but by developing the capabilities and talents of its students.
The participating students expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Deanship of the College for the attention and support, stressing that providing such an atmosphere develops students’ abilities and talents in several areas that give them a developmental message that contributes to highlighting their renewed energies.


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