The Department of Biotechnology treats using bee products


The Department of Biotechnology at the College of Applied Sciences/University of Samarra, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Center at the university, organized a scientific symposium entitled “Bees, breeding methods and treatment with their products” on Tuesday, April 26th.

Assistant Professor Qutaiba Hammadi Mahmoud, a professor at Samarra University/College of Applied Sciences, presented the symposium, and Dr. Thabet Mazhar Khalaf, a professor at Tikrit University/College of Education for women.
Introducing the types of bees in general, and bees that are possible and suitable for breeding in particular, as well as (genetic modification of these species to produce an improved hybrid type), in addition to introducing their denominations and the nature of their living – such as flying, mating, etc. – As well as presenting its most important products (honey, royal food, wax, propolis, bee venom, and bee bread).

The symposium also provided a detailed presentation and explanation of each product’s components and the medical and nutritional benefits, clarifying direct and indirect cheating methods for honey and the possibility of distinguishing between them by non-specialists.
The symposium witnessed a prominent qualitative presence from the audience, who showed a remarkable reaction to what was presented.

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