The Department of Arabic Language in the College of Education presents the role of women in the Arab heritage


The Department of Arabic Language at the College of the Education/University of Samarra organized a scientific symposium on “The Role of Women in Sustaining the Arab Heritage” on Monday, April 25, in the College’s Al-Mutawakil Hall.
The symposium included three axes. Prof. Dr. Dalal Hashem Karim presented the first axis, and she reviewed “Women as an active and poetic catalyst for poets.” She then delivered a systematic scientific presentation of this vital role presented by women in the poems of some poets.
While Assistant Professor Dr. Anwar Mahmoud Masoud presented the second axis, in which “Arab values and their virtues in the literature of poetry before Islam,” she reviewed a set of values that existed among Arabs before Islam, reflected in their poetic literature in several poems.
The third axis came under “The Woman, the Guitar of Andalusia,” which Prof. Dr. Wagda Youssef Karim presented. She showed how women were embodied in Andalusia’s country and reviewed an objective scientific explanation of the subject’s essence.
It is noteworthy that this symposium was held in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education and the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the college and provided an introductory presentation of the essence of women in the progress of societies through their active participation in enriching various aspects of life.
The symposium was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Ghassan Fares Attia, Dean of the College of Education, and a large audience of staff and students.

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