The University of Samarra ranks first place locally in the growth axis of the Times classification


The University of Samarra ranked first in the growth axis within the British Times classification of sustainable development. The United Nations defined the axes and goals after the University ranked first locally, according to the official statistics of the type and according to what was published by the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The University ranked 545 globally on this axis, competing with thousands of significant universities.
Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi – President of Samarra University – stated, “The University, with continuous efforts, has achieved this remarkable and superior distinction at all Iraqi universities. Whether they are the old ones, the new ones, or even the universities of the Kurdistan region, or the private ones.” The University of Samarra achieved this achievement in the list of Iraqi universities and even international ones and placed itself in the group of essential universities in the academic field.”
This progress came through the concerted the Presidency of the University administration and its teaching, career staff, and their desire to push the University wheel to gain and maintain its presence in this classification. Even overcome local barriers and stand on the head of excellence, especially since the University has witnessed different achievements on various levels and fields for three years. Its administration enjoys excellent care and attention in making it a scientific edifice that achieves the knowledge issue and is superior to it in all areas of science.
On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi, President of the University, congratulated the employees of Samarra University for this remarkable distinction and promised them to continue progress and perseverance for the sake of other achievements.

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