A master’s thesis at the University of Samarra studies the effect of silver nanoparticles prepared from deer antler, mint, and myrtle plants on the life of the hairy grain beetle


A master’s thesis at the College of Education at the University of Samarra discussed comparing the effect of silver nanoparticles prepared from deer antlers, mint, and myrtle, with some biological treatments in controlling the life of the Khabra grain beetle.

The thesis presented by the student Elham Maan Abbas aims to evaluate the effectiveness of ethanolic alcoholic plant extracts, including myrtle leaves, peppermint leaves, and deer antlers stems. And they are studying the effect of the fungicide suspension, the fungicide, the growth regulator, and the impact of silver nanoparticles on the killing rates of the fourth larval instar, pupae, and capillary beetle.


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