The two vice presidents of Samarra University participate in the celebration of the Day of the Russian Language Department at the College of Arts


Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed – Vice President of Samarra University for Scientific Affairs – and Prof. Dr. Zuhair Qasim Muhammad – Vice President of Samarra University for Administrative Affairs – participated in the celebration of the Russian Day at the Language Department, corresponding to May 31 of each year, which is organized by the Department of Russian Language in the College of Arts at the university.

The ceremony took place at Al-Mu’tasim Hall at the university. It was attended by some of the deans of the university’s colleges and their assistants, heads of scientific departments at the university, directors of some university departments, divisions, and units, the university’s professors, staff, and students, and many guests from outside the university.
The ceremony concluded with distributing certificates of thanks and appreciation to the department’s professors, staff, and students. Who supervised and participated in preparing this qualitative ceremony at the university.

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