A ministerial committee visits the College of Education to establish a Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Samarra University


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee, concerned with establishing the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, visited the College of Education at the University of Samarra; To approve the section and its conformity with the requirements and conditions of creation.
Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed – Vice President of Samarra University for Scientific Affairs – was accompanied by the ministerial committee in charge of creating the department in the College of Education, and they were briefed on the provision of the requirements and controls to approve the creation of the department, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ghassan Fares Attia – Dean of the College of Education – during his reception the committee stated that the College of Education sought to complete the requirements stipulated in the conditions of creation in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and that the college had prepared the classrooms, and the teaching and administrative staff, who would be entrusted with the task of managing the department. He explained that the existence of this department is an urgent necessity for the college and the university, especially since the educational and psychological aspect is an urgent necessity for the current and future generations.
For its part, the committee clarified, after the end of its tour about the creation of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, to Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi al-Samarrai – President of the University – that it is keen to support scientific projects with educational and psychological goals, that the existence of such departments is a source of pleasure and joy; To maintain the integrity of society and correct some paths that are alien to the Iraqi environment. On the other hand, Allawi stressed that the university administration always aims to provide giving models that have a real impact on serving society and our beloved Iraq.

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