A Palestinian student at Samarra University is accepted into the German Einstein Scholarship


A student of the Department of Applied Chemistry at the College of Applied Sciences at Samarra University, “Tabarak Diyaa Ma’rouf,” a Palestinian national, has been accepted into the initiative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and within the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Program (DAFI).

The program, which began implementing the DAFI scholarship in Iraq in 2016 in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and then in the central and southern governorates in 2019, aims to support refugee students to complete their university studies by covering tuition fees and providing students with a monthly scholarship during the study period.

Thus, the program will cover her tuition costs until graduation and cooperate with the college, providing the necessary support to the student for her success in her academic career.

On this occasion, the Presidency of Samarra University and the Deanship of the College of Applied Sciences congratulate Marouf for accepting this scholarship. They hope that the initiative will benefit her at all levels and that she will become a role model.

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