The University of Samarra publishes the research papers of its first international conference on basic and applied sciences in Scopus containers


The College of Applied Sciences at Samarra University has published the proceedings of the First International Samarra Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences in the American Publishing House AIP – American Institute of Physics, which is classified as part of the global Scopus containors.

The conference included several scientific topics, including pathological analyses, chemistry, life sciences, physics, and papers related to other sciences.

The conference presidency indexed all conference papers within the global Scoups database, which amounted to 225 articles, including more than 50 research by two professors from the departments of the colleges of Samarra University.

It is noteworthy that this publication came as a completion of the requirements of the College of Applied Sciences and from the vision of Samarra University in advancing sobriety and spreading scientific research in global capacities. This is one of the main pillars in entering the international rankings and is considered one of the most important indicators of positive cognitive performance in higher education institutions and scientific research.

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