Jordan’s Mu’tah University grants Samarra University professors free publishing in its journals


The University of Samarra signed an academic agreement with the Jordanian Mutah University; For scientific and knowledge cooperation in various educational and research aspects.

The agreement seeks cooperation in the field of graduate studies between the two universities, activating visits, workshops, and seminars between the two sides, as well as exchanging field visits between the colleges and departments of the two universities.

For his part, Professor Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai – President of Samarra University – took the initiative to grant the professors of Mutah University the opportunity to publish for free in the journals of Samarra University, which was the reason for giving the President of Mutah University – also – a chance to publish free of charge in the journals of Mutah University without authorization, to publish in the following journals:
_ Series of humanities and social sciences.
_ Series of natural and applied sciences.
_ The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature.
_ The Jordanian Journal of Law and Political Science.
_ Jordan Journal of Energy (JJE).

This initiative comes within the framework of Samarra University’s endeavor to open up to Arab and regional universities, increasing research exchange and experiences for university staff in a higher way.

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