Samarra University’s Assistant Professor Chosen for Ministerial Committee on English Language Curricula


Samarra University’s Head of the Department of English Language, Assistant Professor Dr. Saif Habib Hassan, has been selected as a member of a ministerial committee tasked with overseeing the implementation of English language curricula for undergraduate and graduate programs across public and private universities in Iraq. In addition to this, the committee will also supervise a proficiency test for English language graduate applicants.

The Graduate Studies Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research formed the committee under a Ministerial Order, recognizing Dr. Hassan’s expertise and experience in the field. As a member of the committee, Dr. Hassan will work alongside other professionals to ensure that the English language curricula are up-to-date and effective in preparing students for the global workforce.

Dr. Hassan’s appointment to this prestigious committee is a testament to his dedication to his field and his contributions to Samarra University’s College of Education. The university is proud to have such an accomplished faculty member represent them in this important initiative.

Samarra University looks forward to the outcomes of the committee’s work, which will undoubtedly lead to improved English language education across Iraq’s universities, benefitting both students and the country’s development.

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