Samarra University’s College of Arts Announces Second Scientific Conference


Samarra University’s College of Arts is pleased to announce its second scientific conference on the theme of “Cultural and Linguistic Heritage in Samarra City between Originality and Future Prospects.” The event will take place at the College of Samarra University on Sunday and Monday, 7-8 May 2023.

The conference aims to shed light on the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of Samarra City, exploring its unique features, and discussing its potential for future development. The event will be an excellent opportunity for researchers, academics, and experts to come together and share their insights and knowledge.

The two-day conference will feature a range of keynote speakers, presentations, and panel discussions on various topics related to the theme. Attendees will have the chance to engage in meaningful discussions and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and linguistic heritage of Samarra City.

The Deanship of the College of Arts at Samarra University encourages all interested individuals to attend this important scientific conference and to participate in the discussions and activities. This event promises to be a valuable experience for all those who attend, providing a platform for knowledge sharing and networking in the field of cultural and linguistic heritage.

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