
A group of professors from the College of Physical Education publish a joint paper in SCOPUS.


(Prof. Jassim Saleh Maajoon), (M. Muhammad Saad Jaber) and (M. Haider Abdel-Hafiz Shihab) obtained approval for publication of their joint research within SCOPUS containers within the (Q2) classification for scientific journals on 7/29/2020 Under the title (A comparative study of cognitive achievement in football among students who have different learning styles). It will be published next October in the International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change, the Primrose Hall Publishing Group in the United Kingdom) in which it targeted (senior students / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / the University of Samarra). The research aimed to identify differences in knowledge achievement in football between students with different educational styles. It also stated that previous studies did not attempt to reveal preferred learning styles. The students in the College of Physical Education and the extent of the impact of teaching according to these patterns and their observance of the cognitive achievement of the various skills in football and the size of this reflection on learning these skills, mastering and understanding them as required, especially since teaching still suffers from the method prevalence used It provides information, skills, and knowledge at one level for all learners without taking into consideration their preferences and methods of learning. Therefore, researchers saw the necessity to be a shift in the quality of studies and research conducted in the field of sports and how to teach various sports skills in a manner consistent with the styles and preferences of students and direct attention to Factors related to the professor and the learner on the one hand. On the other hand, many professors are ignorant of the concept of learning styles and their significant role in guiding the learning process. The studies that have dealt with this problem are almost very few, which prompted the researchers to conduct this study.

مجموعة من أساتذة كلية التربية البدنية ينشرون بحثاً مشتركاً ضمن مستوعبات سكوباس

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