
Entitled (The University of Samarra Towards Green Sustainability), the President of the University inaugurates the wooden canopy nursery


The President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi, Khalaf o the wooden canopy nursery, on Sunday 9/8/2020, to support sustainability and environmental projects at the university and city level.
The committee assigned with the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ghassan Faris Attia and Prof. Dr. Rana Ibrahim Khalil started to establish a caring nursery and multiply trees and ornamental plants.
The nursery is a wooden canopy measuring 20 MX 60 m with an integrated irrigation system.
The nursery currently includes 2000 olive seedlings ready to be sold with more than 250 seedlings of various other types of ornamental plants.
It is worth noting that the university has launched a broad afforestation campaign that included some schools in Samarra and some government departments and public roads, as afforestation has an impact on the environment and climate.
The university is awaiting an improvement in the weather and a decrease in temperatures at the beginning of September to start planting seedlings in the university, complete afforestation campaigns on a larger scale, and provide service departments to plant the roads and green spaces throughout the city.

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