
The President of the University of Samarra hands over certificates of participation to the University of Samarra team in the e-learning professional training program on behalf of IREX representatives and the ministerial team


On behalf of the representatives of IREX and the ministerial team, the President of the University of Samarra handed over certificates of participation to the University’s team. It’s included 13 faculty member in the e-learning professional training program – training of trainers e-Learning Professional Training Program, for the period from 4/30/2020 to 5 \ 7/2020, with 885 faculty from various Iraqi governmental and private universities, as this program was held in cooperation between the “Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,” “The American IREX Organization” and “E-learning experts in the Ministerial Team for E-Education in Iraq” and under the supervision of the US Embassy in Iraq.

This program aims to optimize the capabilities of faculty members in Iraqi universities in the field of e-learning in the educational process. The participants from our university met all the requirements for success in the program, such as attending and exams, with 6 participants receiving an excellent rating in the final evaluation of this program.

السيد رئيس جامعة سامراء يسلم شهادات المشاركة لفريق جامعة سامراء في برنامج التدريب المحترف للتعلم الإلكتروني نيابة عن ممثلي منظمة IREX  والفريق الوزاري

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