Master’s thesis at the University of Samarra discusses a survey and molecular study of buffalo, sheep, and goat lice in Baghdad, Samarra, and Kirkuk


The College of Education at the University of Samarra – Department of Biology discussed a masters thesis entitled a survey and molecular study of buffalo, sheep, and goat lice in Baghdad, Samarra, and Kirkuk using the RAPD-PCR indicator.

The thesis presented by the student (Jamal Ahmed Hassan) aimed to find out the extent of lice infestation and areas of infestation in herds of buffalo, sheep, and goats for three governorates: Baghdad, Salah al-Din (Samarra), Kirkuk and to know the genetic relationship and the genetic dimension between the same species for each of them and the other species using indicators of RAPD-PCR.

A relationship was found between them, and the types of lice were diagnosed in the Research Center and the Natural History Museum / University of Baghdad, and the temperature had a clear effect during the study period from December to April.

The discussion committee consisted of:
Dr. Hisham Nagy Hamid
Dr. Omar Rahim Khalaf
Dr. Adnan Fadel Nassif
Dr. Harith Ahmed Mustafa
Dr Rafe Zeidan Makhlaf

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