Education reveals revisiting graduate programs and reviewing labor market needs


In light of the scientific review and continuous evaluation of the outputs of Iraqi universities and their goals following the development path on the one hand and the labor market on the other hand, according to accurate statistics.

وزير التعليم يوافق على إعادة تسجيل الذين لم يستكملوا إجراءات قبولهم المركزي للسنة 2019/2020
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has begun to review graduate studies programs in the future and for the academic year 2021/2022 and the available specializations that are occupied by employees of state institutions and non-employees at the level of diplomas, masters and doctorates.
In the context of the monitored statistics over the past five years, is was indicated a state of imbalance between the outputs of graduate studies and the needs of the labor market due to accumulated structural imbalances and the overlapping of standards in this equation.
Here, the Ministry announces the formation of a specialized committee to study and classify majors according to the acceptable numbers and the corresponding job opportunities in the public and private sectors, and to make recommendations and proposals on developing capabilities and skills and preventing the depletion of the energies represented by holders of higher degrees.

Department of Relations and Media
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
August 29, 2020


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