University Council holds its first open regular session


In the presence of the President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Khalaf, the University of Samarra Council held its first open regular session on Tuesday 9/1/2020 in the presence of the members of the University Council. The meeting began with welcoming the new members, who are the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics, Dr. Nazhan Muhammad Al-Sahu, and the Dean of the College Agriculture Dr. Khaled Abdullah Sahar.
The Council discussed the issue of the conduct of the second-round examinations for primary studies, which began on 9/1/2020, and the second-round examinations for graduate studies, which are scheduled to be held on 9/2/2020.
The President directed to provide all the basic requirements that would overcome the obstacles facing students to take their exams, which would be under the approved mechanisms, which are the electronic platforms approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The university president also urged all staff to the highest levels of cooperation with the Education Directorate in overcoming any difficulties they encounter to perform the sixth preparatory exams, which began on 9/1 / and stressed the follow-up of what has been prepared from the appropriate supplies such as halls, provision of electricity, sterilization of halls, etc.


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