The visit of Salah al-Din Governor, Engineer Ammar Jaber Khalil, to the University of Samarra


Eng. Ammar Jaber Khalil, Governor of Salah al-Din, visited on Wednesday, 12/2/2020, the University of Samarra and met with the President of Samarra University, Prof. Sabah Allawi Khalaf.

In the presence of the Mayor of Samarra, Mr. Mahmoud Khalaf, the Director of the Consulting Office, Khaled Hamid Latif, the Director of the Engineering Department, Eng. Dia Jassem Awad, and the Director of the Legal Affairs Department, Haider Al-Naqib.

The governor of Salah al-Din said that the Samarra project, “the capital of Iraq for the Islamic civilization” is proceeding according to the plan, and this project is an essential and new gateway to developing the city and highlighting it. It deserves the effort and real support to restore it to its previous era and civilization.

In turn, the President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Sabah Allawi, referred to the need for cooperation between the government represented by the governor and the University of Samarra, and that this communication is not emerging today, explaining that this visit came for more than one side, indicating the nature of the visions about the sewage treatment center and its proximity to the site new of the University, which he sees as harmful to the university in the environmental, humanitarian and social aspects.

At the end of the meeting, the Governor of Salah al-Din decided to suspend work at the current site of the Sewage Treatment Unit in Samarra city until the Ministry of Health and Environment’s opinion statement is issued.


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