The University of Samarra – a faculty from our university publishes a book on Umayyad erotic poetry


Recently published by the Nashiroon Foundation, a book by Professor Dr. Dalal Hashem Karim, a faculty at The University of Samarra, College of Education, Department of Arabic Language, titled Umayyad erotic Poetry, a New Reading.

The research summary lies in the inner of the human soul, which hearts tend toward, especially among those receiving the art of erotic.

The researcher said (who encouraged me to ink these pages related to erotic in the Umayyad era, because of the multiplicity of directions of purposes witnessed in this era and their openness to a multitude of references, and their reliance on tools that contributed to providing it with timeless heritage contents, which in turn led to the possibility of diversifying and increasing literary studies. Thus, allowing scholars and researchers to keep pace with that development in the structure and theme of this purpose.


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