Solar energy is on service at The University of Samarra


Under the direction of the President of Samarra University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, and the supervision of the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor Dr. Aiser Saleh, the faculty staff installed solar energy to generate environmentally friendly power. These panels produce sufficient electrical energy to sustain the electric current for many laboratory devices that require continuity of electricity to keep it safe and maintain it. This energy has entered service.

It is noteworthy that this is the college’s second step in investing in sustainable energy, as it has been on service for lighting the halls of the college.
This achievement comes within many steps that the university undertakes to invest the resources to self-sufficiency. The President congratulated all the efforts made by the staff in this challenging circumstance, appreciating what they do for the university’s advancement.


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