Joint scientific cooperation of the College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, with the College of Science, University of Baghdad


Under the guidance of the President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi, the necessity of activating the mechanism of scientific cooperation and the exchange of experiences between the colleges of Samarra University and Iraqi universities, a delegation headed by the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences Assistant Professor Dr. Ayser Saleh Mohammed and the Associate Dean of the Scientific Prof. Dr. Wael Muhammad Mahdi and the Head of the Industrial Chemistry Department, Dr. Harith Jamil, the College of Science, University of Baghdad, and they were welcomed by the Dean of the College of Science, the Professor Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Qazzaz, the administrative and scientific assistant, and the head of the Chemistry Department.

During the meeting, they discussed many axes that would support the process of joint academic and scientific cooperation in all fields and at the level of preliminary and graduate studies. The main points were set to complete this constructive scientific cooperation that would elevate the educational process.
At the end of the meeting, the Dean of the College of Science, Samarra University, thanked the Dean of Baghdad Sciences for the excellent reception, hospitality, and willingness to support the cooperation mechanism in the service of the two colleges.

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