For Distinguished Staff Channel; Student Affairs and Registration Department holds its workshop


The Department of Student Affairs and Registration at the Presidency of Samarra University organized a workshop entitled “The Distinguished Employees Channel.”
The workshop came within the direction of Samarra University aimed at serving the community and in a manner consistent with the advancement of the scientific reality of all segments of society; Therefore, the workshop sought to host the employees of state departments in the city, who wish to complete their university studies in various disciplines.

The workshop was presented by:
1- Mr. Miqdad Ali Ahmed – Director of Student Affairs and Registration Department -.
2- Assistant lecturer Warqaa Latif Salman.
3- Mrs Karima Laith Abdul Latif.
4- Mr Muayyad Abdul Majeed Ibrahim.

A large number of employees and officials of the registration division in colleges, and a group of state employees working outside the university, attended the workshop and praised this initiative.

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