The Department of Media and Public Relations at Samarra University launches an awareness campaign against smoking


The Department of Media and Public Relations at the University of Samarra launched an awareness campaign to combat the phenomenon of smoking and introduce its harmful effects.

The campaign came based on the directives of the state ministries on the circulars issued by the Presidency of Samarra University and the university order issued by the President of the University at the beginning of the academic year 2022-2023 to ban smoking on campus.

The department employees and officials of the college’s media divisions began posting wall advertisements in the corridors of the university and colleges, warning them to quit and the disadvantages of smoking.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the harms of smoking and urges all groups to stay away from it and quit, especially inside the university and in closed places; Relying on the Anti-Smoking Law No. 19 of 2012, Article 4, which stipulates prohibit the smoking in the following public areas, Inside the buildings of presidential bodies, ministries, departments, educational and health institutions, airports, companies, and factories in all governorates.

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