Symposium at the University of Samarra on renewable energy in Iraq


The College of Engineering at the University of Samarra held, on Sunday, September 27-2020, an electronic symposium on (renewable energy) presented by the Professor (Riyad Mutab Mahmoud).

The symposium dealt with an introduction to the concept of renewable energy. When it began to work all over the world, the types of methods that can be used in our country, as well as solutions and alternatives to the energy systems consumed in Iraq in terms of electrical energy and thermal energy.

ندوة في جامعة سامراء عن الطاقة المتجددة في العراق

The types of renewable energy and how to obtain each type and its uses were discussed, as follows:
1. The energy of the solar panels, which is produced from the solar radiation directed at the solar panels, can be relied upon to equip cities with electricity, as well as heating in homes in general, as our country often enjoys a sunny climate.
2. Wind energy can be converted into electrical energy by constructing vertical turbines opposite the movement of the wind.
3. River water energy: used to supply electric power by installing electricity generators on water dams or through the running water pressure in the river.
4. Energy stored in the ground, where the heat found under the ground can be used to heat homes and heat water.

At the end of the workshop, attendees discussed some points, and all questions were answered on the topic of renewable energy.


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