Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed meets the deans’ associates of scientific affairs


Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed chaired the scientific associates meeting in all colleges on Wednesday, 10/2/2021.

The meeting included several topics, the most important of which was the public matters discussion and the emphasis on the speed of answers to the announcements and the accuracy of the responses to the ministerial books.

In addition to the emphasis on pursuing e-learning in colleges, according to the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research by filling out the periodic form, which describes the safe situation at the University of Samarra and the extent of progress it has reached compared to other Iraqi universities, which includes the total number of students (morning, evening and parallel) and the extent of the use of hybrid and electronic education, whether practical or theoretical, for studies (undergrads and grads).

The questionnaire also contained several theoretical and scientific materials in terms of pdf and video.


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