Master’s thesis in the rehabilitation of sports injuries, in the College of Physical Education


The committee for approving the title of the master’s thesis held its online and in-person session within the context of hybrid education to approve the title of the student’s thesis (Ayman Hassoun Eltaif), a graduate student – masters – in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Samarra University – with a specialization (rehabilitation of sports injuries) via the google meet application in the Deanship of the College Physical Education and Sports Science. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. (Muthanna Ahmed Khalaf Al Mazrouei) and Assistant Professor Dr. (Ahmed Muhammad Abdul Khaleq).

The committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. (Abbas Hussein Obaid) with a specialization in the rehabilitation of injuries, at the University of Babylon. The membership of a group of the finest professors of sports injuries rehabilitation, biomechanics, and rehabilitation of the disabled from various Iraqi universities.

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