The University of Samarra offers cyber security capabilities and development programs


The Electronic Computer Center, in coordination with the Continuing Education Center at Samarra University, has organized development courses that are mandatory for university staff and professors; This is to present the (Capacity Development Program in Cyber ​​Security), which was delivered by the assistant professor Ruqayya Nizar Ahmed – who has a master’s degree from Cardiff University in Britain.
The course included the definition of cybersecurity and its importance, its relationship to security intelligence and how we are security, and knowledge of gaps in security systems and how to deal with them, in addition to identifying essential properties in the system that can be targeted, how to enhance the digital design security of universities, and knowledge of the role of employees in strengthening the system security or weakening it. The session concluded with recommendations calling for strengthening cybersecurity in universities.
This course came within the awareness and capacity development program in cybersecurity, which targets employees working in contact with what is digital at Samarra University. Which recently urged the Ministry to raise awareness in this field due to its necessity and importance in protecting the academic institution’s system, property, and data from hacking or data corruption and theft.
Many available and teaching staff at the university participated in the course, interacted with the course’s lectures, and increased their knowledge of this field, which has become a threat to the lives of most people and institutions.

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