The World Health Organization adopted the Samarra University Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences as a medical portal for the Eastern Mediterranean Region


In its database and scientific sources, the World Health Organization has chosen the Samarra University Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences as one of the input sources for the Medical Index for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR).

The journal presented a qualitative, numerous, and significant group with solid knowledge value in biology, health, pharmacology, chemistry, etc. Its research took a substantial role in addressing some phenomena and problems in human life, Which was the reason for her selection, according to the conditions and standards of the World Health Organization, to enter the WHO medical index.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai – President of Samarra University – expresses his thanks to those in charge of managing the journal and for the efforts made towards raising the scientific level of the university at the research levels and calls for concerted efforts to achieve the highest degrees of sobriety and excellence in all scientific aspects.

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