The University of Samarra participates in the celebration of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate at the University of Baghdad


On the Iraqi Academic Day occasion and in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and some university presidents and assistants, and deans, the Iraqi Academics Syndicate held a big party in the Great Hall of the University of Baghdad.

His Excellency, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdel-Saheb, gave a speech. He blessed the academics on their glorious day after its captain inaugurated the festival’s activities, including honoring the martyrs of Corona among distinguished university professors.

The University of Samarra ranked first and only in Salah al-Din Governorate by honoring Dr. Liqaa Hussein Alwan with the Distinguished Academic Award for 2023.

Prof. Kamal Hussein, vice president of the university for scientific affairs. Prof. Qutaiba Mikhlif Abbas, assistant president of the academy branch. Dr. Abbas Al-Hayali, head of the Syndicate of Academics at Samarra University; and Prof. Mustafa Ali Abdel Rahman, director of the scientific affairs department at our university, attended on behalf of Samarra University.

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